Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Productive Day!

I started the day of with the daily chores; the first of many rounds of laundry, emptying the diswasher and filling up it up again, and thinking what to make for breakfast. Son number 2 has been asking for 'spicy noodles', I have been wreaking my brain trying to figure out which noodles he is talking about. At last after over several days of QA sessions I found out he wanted the infamous made-in-malaysia maggi mee. They all thank me profusely for making such a tasty treat for breakfast, brunch to be exact!

Took kids to the neighborhood elementary school garden which I volunteer to care for over the summer, watering and weeding. But it had rained so much this year that I hardly ever have to do that. I love pulling weeds though, it left me feeling satisfied like washing dishes, cleaned. Our part of the garden is the ABC garden for the kindergarten class. Plants names started with each letter of the alphabet scattered around one corner of the garden.

We went to the public library afterwards, we try to go at least twice a month over the summer. Found this interesting book; Six Months in Sudan. An account of a young Canadian medical doctor who volunteer to work in Sudan with the organization Doctors without Borders. Finished reading it in one day. I can't put it down. At night I dreamt about being in Abyei. Amazing people do this kind of work. Prior to that I found this fascinating read Angels in my Hair. I wonder what Muslim scholars have to say about this, the traditional ones I kind of know what they will say, I am more interested in the opinions of Tariq Ramadan, or Sheikh Qaradawi or Imam Magid of ADAM center. Anyhow I felt happy and peaceful after finishing the book in two days. Can't put it down either.

I figured out a fool proof way to fix beautiful roasted chicken, parts or whole. I cut up a mix of herbs; combination of parsley, chives, mint, oregano, and rosemary, all from my little backyard garden. Portioned in that order, from the most to the least. And added to that generous helpings of salt, black pepper, paprika and lemon juice. Today I prepared cornish hen with parsley, mint and rosemary, lemon, blackpepper, salt, paprika and some boil corn on the side. It was heavenly! Forgot to take the picture, remember only after the bones bare naked devoid of flesh. Oh well, maybe next time.