Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mothers have tremendous leverage in shaping her children. The strong emotional connection between a mother and a child should be taken advantage of to yield a beautiful relationship. Out of this organic relationship it is very natural for both mother and child to please each other if the mother knows when to give and when to take/receive love. Both will gain tremendous pleasure in this dance of giving love and taking/receive love. It is rare to read an article that talks about the give and take of mother-child relationship.

I mention mother in the begining since small children in general are closer to the mother than the father. But the same is true to father-child relationship. No doubt that some fathers are closer to their children than the mother thus can exert the same influence. From now on I will address both parents in order to be fair to these fathers.

Teach children to give love to the parents as much as receiving love from the parents. For example, teaching a two year old to fetch shoes or purse for her mother or newspaper for her father. When a child learn to serve her parents, she learn to please them. When she learn to be useful to another individual she will feel good about herself and will continue to serve in order to feel good. Thus the relationship with her parents will continue to be a strong influence in her life.