Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Ini gambar municipal complex for the city of Fishers. Ada balai police, bomba and library. Train station and pos office kat situ jugak tapi tak da dlm gambar. Ada library, which is on the top right of the picture. Tapi librarian dia cengih.... boring... pastu tak boleh renew books more than two weeks. Walau pun the building is newer and of course nicer.

Cantik kan the way depa cut the grass!

We prefer this library. Walaupun kena drive 20 minutes... tak pa. The librarians are nicer and friendlier. Pastu ada computer terminals where you can checkout the books and movies yourselves. They name the computers after the Beatles'. So the librarians will probably say something like "Ringo needs to be serviced.... not doing to well..."